Incase you guys missed the show yesterday, you can go HERE to view it. Thanks a lot to Rina Omar and 8TV for debuting Bakdatang music video on mainstream TV, and at the same time giving away Manusia singles and DASH UNDERSCORE DASH t-shirts. It was dope, especially as it coincided with the night of the Euro 2008 final in which Spain whooped some German ass. Okay I'm exaggerating but you know the Germans always win everything since they're all cyborg ubermensches and all that but the Spanish went against all robotic odds and it is another triumph for humans in football! Haha. Anyway, yeah it's dope to watch yourself do funny faces on TV, thanks 8TV!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Bakdatang Premiere @ 8TV Quickie (video)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Bakdatang @ 8TV Quickie, Sunday 29th June 2008, 11:30 PM
Yeh the Bakdatang vid is gonna premiere on 8TV Quickie. We're not gonna be there for the interview as they had some other things to air, but the host is gonna talk a bit about us and put on the Bakdatang vid. Aight homies, check it out!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Manusia is number 6 @ Campur Chart
We were number 8 the week before now we're at number 6! we back and risin' up like dust blown by wind that came from below it (sense?). Err, aight aight aight?! keep votin' please! I'm on bended knees like Boyz II Men right now homie please vote, we wanna stay in the chart and hopefully get to the top nuhmeen, if you love us like fat kids like me love cake although I don't love cake but let's just stick to the stereotype CLICK HERE TO GET SCIENCE ON HOW TO VOTE DROPPED ON YA!
Bakdatang video - updates and 8TV QUICKIE this SUNDAY 11:30PM!
So far on youtube the video has received a thousand over views, and a few comments. Mosta yawll seem to love it, so that's dope! we're pretty happy with how much attention it's been getting. If you haven't checked it out yet click HERE aight.We have already finalized the video for TV broadcast. We will be appearing on 8TV Quickie this SUNDAY night, 11:30PM. We'll also be promoting our new single Manusia.
I'll try to post up a better version of Bakdatang for youtube too since the one up now is not optimal in terms of quality.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Yeah we got it out on youtube. Check it out:
For a better quality video you can VIEW, or DOWNLOAD it from zshare.
The Time Has Scum (upcoming)
The Rebel Scum
(Rogue Squadron)
Featured Emceez:
NBE and Saph (SSK / Rogue Squadron)
Spit (Naughtius Maximus / Ruffneck Clique)
Video Details
Directed by:
Shot by:
Jason, Teo, Liana
Edited by:
Perez Oldskool
Spred tha wurd aite!